Sunday, April 12, 2009


REMEMBER that BEING TURNED ON is involuntary.

PENILE ERECTION and VAGINAL LUBRICATION are beyond your control...

Of course you can stop watching or thinking of sexually-stimulating stuff but the PHENOMENON itself of being TURNED ON or GETTING HORNY is not something you can either control or fake.

Just look at my idol below:

this was taken from this URL:, CAPTION: Kobe attempts to hide his raging hard-on for another chance at a championship ring {{In fact, when Phil Jackson announced he was returning to the Lakers to replace the worthless chode Rudy “My heart hurts more than Ronny Turiaf” Tomsonofabitch, I think the Lakers and Laker fans had a collective hard on. In fact, look at Kobe – he’s so happy he has to hide his hard on.}}

the AUSSIE BIG BRO blonde with a bubble butt getting a very big boner.

That's JAMIE BROOKSBY, the aussie blond with a ginormous flaccid cock with a cool personality who won the AUSSIE BIG BRO season .... i forgot, ill check and edit later

(has anyone seen it erect? --- 'cause some penises look big when they're flaccid but when it gets stiff, it's just BIG... mine's the opposite : looks small when soft, looks humongous when 'happy' hehehe)

GUYS GETTING HARD is as NATURAL AS smiling or laughing everytime we hear or see something funny or anything that makes us happy.

Gelo: FOR MORE hard-on vids (big brother vids), feel free to comment and request for them LOL

GIRLS GETTING WET and MOIST down there is AS NATURAL AS tears welling up and falling from our eyes everytime we our touched by something emotional (sadness, gried or bliss)

Ok, i can't find a non-sleazy spontaneous vaginal lubrication video... i'll try to find some and edit this.. i f i don't find one, ill post the smutty-hard-core stuff

1 comment:

  1. what the hell is the cutting one about!!! horrendous! I did stomach watching it until the end and I am glad I did to see it was still functioning!
    But deary me! yes to more videos - but not like that lol
